Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Media and its Effects on Americans

The topic about the media and advertisements during this week of class was very interesting. I never really took the time to stop and look at each advertisement and really think about what type of message it was portraying. The video played during class said that the average American is exposed to 3000 advertisements everyday. I would like to say that advertisements and the media do not have an affect on me, but they do. It's hard to escape because it is everywhere. I do although think that advertisements do not need to be portrayed the way that they are. To many advertisements tell people that they need to have a perfect body, skin, hair, and clothes. People then strive for this, but in all reality, it is impossible. I feel that this problem is only going to get worse. The media controls us, we dont control the media.


  1. I agree, media is getting too out of control and it is influencing a lot of young girls to dress skimpier. At my high school we would always hate when a new freshman class would come in because every class got slutty-er. the clothes get smaller, tighter, and more revealing. of course the boys don't have a problem with it but since they're wearing these clothes they become more self conscious of their bodies and stop paying attention to school and more to what boys find attractive or hanging out with their 23 year old boyfriend instead of doing homework because they tell her she could be a girl in comso.

  2. I agree with nicole that the media controls us, it has most of us striving for perfect, but what is perfect? They showed in the vdeo that some girls in ad's arent even real, that the computers take parts from different girls to make this perfect girl. That blew my mind i never knew that and then the video said 1 out of 5 women in the us has a eating disorder. These women our striving for something that isn't real.

  3. Does media have to control us though? Isn't it as simple as turning off the controller? It bothers me when students say "it's too late" or "it's just the way it is." What are we accomplishing when we are so willing to write off an acknowledge "social ill" with the simple wave of our hands. Do we have no *FIGHT* left in us?

  4. To comment on what shannon said it is something how we just give up so easily. I think that there is FIGHT left in us its just who will take a stand and then who will follow..thats my take on it
