Thursday, January 28, 2010

After reading the first couple pages of culture jam, it's read about the authors point of view. I do see his point of view that our world is turning from a natural world to a manufactured one. I aslo do believe that the media has had an influence in our lives. The media is something that constantly surrounds us. I do believe that eventually things won't "shock" us anymore. We will get used to seeing violence and sex on TV that it will no longer affect us.
The section on noise i can relate to because i often find myself doing homework with the tv on and i tend to put the voices of others in background noise. People including myself are so used to hearing noise that when there is no noise, we use the term "awkward silence". I am very interested in reading the rest of the book.


  1. I also agree with the authors point of view about how our world changed to a manufacturing world. The section on "shock" I agree we will get used to violence and sex on tv, but I am wondering what they could use to "shock" us when that happens.

  2. I agree with the statement about how our lives are becoming more dependent on the media and technology. But this also depends on the part of the world you live in as well because if you don't have the technology or media exposure you can't be dependent on it.

  3. Media has exposed us to nearly everything and I also believe that one day we wont have the "shock" that all media companies thrive on.

  4. So true..this part in the book stuck out to me too! i can only speak for me but my mom always taught my family about the outdoor world but in college and even back in high school no one cared about it and i think its even gotten worse.
